Medical compression socks are specialized hosiery that are designed to prevent and treat a variety of venous disorders. They are tightest around the ankles and are gradually less compressive towards the knees and thighs. The length and compression level of the socks depends on the severity of the person’s condition, and is determined by your family physician or chiropodist.

Compression socks for varicose veins

Compression socks for varicose veins

Compression socks are recommended for various conditions, including tired, aching legs, swelling (edema), spider veins, varicose veins, and chronic venous insufficiency. During ambulation, the calf muscles work to help the veins pump blood back up towards the heart. Those with venous disorders likely have compromised valves in their veins, allowing the flow of blood backwards into the leg and are unable to return the blood to the heart. Compression socks help in blood flow by promoting the contraction of the calf muscles to close the valves and prevent the backflow of blood to the legs.